
Author: R. Saadeldin

Site characterization of a sensitive Champlain Sea clay deposit in Beauharnois, Quebec
A. El-Dana, F. Gilbert, R. Saadeldin, R. Haché (GeoOttawa 2017)

Comparative review of consolidation test results obtained on Champlain Sea clay samples using the ASTM Consolidation Test Methods A and B
R. Saadeldin, R. Haché (GeoOttawa 2017)

Large scale test embankments on a Champlain Sea clay deposit in Beauharnois, Quebec
A. El-Dana, F. Gilbert, R. Saadeldin, R. Haché (GeoOttawa 2017)

The elastic response of a Champlain Sea clay deposit under test embankment loading conditions in Beauharnois, Quebec
R. Saadeldin, R. Haché, F. Gilbert, A. El-Dana (GeoEdmonton 2018)

A proposed reporting approach for Champlain Sea clays and other similar deposits
R. Haché, R. Saadeldin, A. El-Dana, E. Girouard (GeoEdmonton 2018)

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