
Auteur(e): Deyab Gamal El-Dean

The Piezo-electric Ring Actuator technique (P-RAT) – 16 years of progress
Mourad Karray, Guy Lefebvre, Kamal Khayat, Mahmoud N. Hussien, Ahmed Mhenni, Mohamed Ben Romdhane, Siwar Naji, Nancy Soliman, Deyab Gamal El-Dean, Ibrahim Lashin, Michael Ghali, Julien Anglade, Jerome Lapierre, Harlette Tchabacha, Walid Challouf, Yannic Éthier, Dania Elbeggo, Quentin Lecuru, Guillaume Dion (GeoSt. John's 2019)

Correlations between Low and High Strain Stiffnesses of few Natural and Artificial Cohesive Soils
Saeed Ahmad, M. Hesham El Naggar, Aly Ahmed, Deyab Gamal El-Dean (GeoSt. John's 2019)

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