Identifying the Mechanisms of Ice Lens Formation Through Soil Suction Measurement and PIV Analysis During Step Freezing Tests
Heidi McKnight-Whitford, Craig Lake, Andy Take 
In the proceedings of: GeoRegina 2014: 67th Canadian Geotechnical ConferenceSession: Soil Mechanics
ABSTRACT: The role of soil suction, in the development of ice lens formation in soils, is one process that has been postulated to contribute to water migration in freezing soils but very few studies have accurately measured suction development during the freezing process. The objective of this research is to develop several simultaneous testing techniques to measure suction, axial strain, temperature gradients, water migration, frost front location, and frost heave in a clay undergoing freezing in a one-dimensional, open, step-freezing condition. In the paper, the development of the testing techniques is described with particular focus being placed on the use of modified high capacity pressure transducers to accurately and reliably measure high soil suctions as well as the calculation of axial strain/void ratio using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) during the test.
RÉSUMÉ: Le rôle des sols d'aspiration, dans le développement de lentille de glace formation dans les sols, est un processus qui a postulé pour contribuer à la migration d'eau dans les sols gel mais très peu d'études ont mesuré précisément développement d'aspiration pendant le processus de congélation. L'objectif de cette recherche est de développer simultanément plusieurs techniques de test pour la mesure, aspiration axiale strain, gradients de température, l'eau, la migration avant le gel, emplacement et soulèvement dû au gel dans une argile subit le gel dans un unidimensionnel, ouvert, étape gel condition. Dans le papier, le développement des techniques de test est décrite avec un accent particulier mis sur l'utilisation de modifiés haute capacité les transducteurs de pression de mesurer de façon précise et fiable mesure haute aspiration du sol ainsi que sur le calcul de traction axiale/void ratio aide Image Particules, rugosimétrie (PIV) au cours de l'essai.
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Heidi McKnight-Whitford; Andy Take; Craig Lake (2014) Identifying the Mechanisms of Ice Lens Formation Through Soil Suction Measurement and PIV Analysis During Step Freezing Tests in GEO2014. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.
author = Heidi McKnight-Whitford; Andy Take; Craig Lake,
title = Identifying the Mechanisms of Ice Lens Formation Through Soil Suction Measurement and PIV Analysis During Step Freezing Tests,
year = 2014
title = Identifying the Mechanisms of Ice Lens Formation Through Soil Suction Measurement and PIV Analysis During Step Freezing Tests,
year = 2014