Author: W. Andy Take

Apparatus compliance in oedometer testing at high pressures
J.S. Powell, G. Siemens, W.A. Take

Adhesion from supplemental bentonite placed at GCL overlaps
Richard W.I. Brachman, Simon Gudina, R. Kerry Rowe

Physical modeling of gap formation during soil-pipeline interaction
Masoumeh Saiyar, Ian D. Moore, W. Andy Take

Development of a landslide testing flume for use within a geotechnical centrifuge
Roya Davoodi, Ryan Phillips, W. Andy Take

Effect of imaging distance on image texture of sand in PIV analysis
Michael G. Dutton, A. Neil, W.A. Take

X-Ray Imaging of Desiccation Cracking Patterns in Geosynthetic Clay Liners
J.J. Potvin, G.A. Siemens, A. Kerr, W.A. Take

Observed soil displacements above Rigid culverts
R.P. McAffee, A.J. Valsangkar, W.A. Take

Burial Depth Effect on Flexural Behavior of Burred Piplines Subject to Normal Faulting
Masoumeh Saiyar, Ian D. Moore, W. Andy Take

The development of dynamic PIV for the assessment and quantification of railway foundation conditions
C.A. Murray, N.A. Hoult, W.A. Take

Observed transition from slide to flow in physical model landslide tests
R.A. Beddoe, W.A. Take

The development of a large scale flume for landslide runout experiments
S.K. Bryant, W.A. Take

Failure of two sensitive clay slopes observed at Mud Creek, Ottawa
J.J Potvin, J.M Foster, D. Woeller, W.A Take

Development of a centrifuge tilt-table device to investigate instability phenomenon under simulated infinite slope conditions
Eric Wolinsky, Greg Siemens, W. Andy Take

Identifying the Mechanisms of Ice Lens Formation Through Soil Suction Measurement and PIV Analysis During Step Freezing Tests
Heidi McKnight-Whitford, Craig Lake, Andy Take

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