
Author: Marie Larocque

Dating groundwater resources in central Québec using noble gases, 14C and water chemistry
Genevieve Vautour, Guillaume Meyzonnat, Daniele Luigi Pinti, Florent Barbecot, Marie Larocque, Maria Clara Castro, Chris M. Hall, Jean-François Hélie (GeoMontréal 2013)

Dating shallow groundwater using the 3H/3He method at the Bécancour River basin (Québec, Canada)
Marion Saby, Geneviève Vautour, Emilie Roulleau, Daniele L. Pinti, Marie Larocque, Maria Clara Castro (GeoMontréal 2013)

Groundwater modeling including climate change scenarios for an ecohydrological study in Covey Hill, Québec
Jana Levison, Marie Larocque, Marie-Audray Ouellet, Lisa van Waterschoot (GeoMontréal 2013)

Comparison of 222Rn - δ13C investigations to calibrate groundwater discharge in rivers
Karine Lefebvre, Florent Barbecot, Marie Larocque, Marina Gillon, Elisabeth Gibert-Brunet, François Hardy (GeoMontréal 2013)

Spatial distribution of natural gas concentrations and isotopic signatures in shallow aquifers of the St. Lawrence Lowlands (Québec, Canada)
Diogo Barnetche, Daniele L. Pinti, Marie Larocque, Yves Gélinas, René Lefebvre, Jean-François Hélie, Anja Moritz, Châtelaine Beaudry, Sophie Retailleau (GeoMontréal 2013)

Geochemical tracers of recharge-discharge functions in southern Quebec aquifer-peatland systems
Miryane Ferlatte, Marie Larocque, Vincent Cloutier (GeoMontréal 2013)

Simulating groundwater-peatland interactions in southern Quebec
Anne Quillet, Marie Larocque, Claudio Paniconi (GeoMontréal 2013)

Development of a tool for the estimation of spatially distributed recharge – Application to the Bécancour watershed (Centre-du-Québec)
Guillaume Meyzonnat, Marie Larocque, Sylvain Gagné (GeoMontréal 2013)

Advantages and limits of groundwater residence times and major ions chemistry to validate a regional groundwater flow model: Example of the Centre-du-Québec region (Québec, Canada)
Sylvain Gagné, Marie Larocque, Daniele L. Pinti, Marion Saby, Guillaume Meyzonnat (GeoOttawa 2017)

Hydrodynamics of temporary wetlands in Canadian Shield forest (Outaouais, Canada)
Marjolaine Roux, Marie Larocque, Sylvain Gagné, Philippe Nolet (GeoOttawa 2017)

Including groundwater dependent ecosystems in water management: Why it is important and why can’t we do it better?
Marie Larocque, Stéphanie Pellerin (GeoOttawa 2017)

Impact of climate change on groundwater availability in Eastern Canada
Jana Levison, Alexandre Martin, Marie Larocque (GeoOttawa 2017)

Simulating river-aquifer interactions in southern Ontario – implications for water management
Sylvain Gagné, Marie Larocque, Jana Levison, Peter Bishop (GeoEdmonton 2018)

Groundwater inflow to the Lake Papineau Hydrosystem (Outaouais, Canada)
Simon Lavoie Lavallée, Marie Larocque, Sylvain Gagné, James Harris (GeoEdmonton 2018)

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