Author: René Lefebvre
3H-3He groundwater dating and geochemical tracers to identify TCE origins and migration paths in a valley-fill aquiferSamantha E.M. Murphy, René Lefebvre, Thomas Ouellon, Jean-Marc Ballard, Ian D. Clark (GeoMontréal 2013)
Sustainable groundwater resources indicators applied to the Montérégie Est regional aquifer system, Quebec, Canada
René Lefebvre, Marc André Carrier, Alex Martin, Joshua Bleser, Christine Rivard, Roxane Lavoie, Édith Bourque, Michel Ouellet (GeoMontréal 2013)
Fracture systems controls on fluid flow in the regional sedimentary rock aquifer system of Montérégie Est, southern Québec, Canada
Pierre Ladevèze, Marc Laurencelle, René Lefebvre, Alain Rouleau, Heather Crow, Christine Rivard (GeoMontréal 2013)
Laboratory evaluation of foams for mobility control and enhanced LNAPL recovery in heterogeneous sediment
Mélanie Longpré-Girard, Richard Martel, Thomas Robert, René Lefebvre, Jean-Marc Lauzon (GeoMontréal 2013)
Geologic and hydrogeologic understanding of caprock strata overlying the Utica Shale in the St. Lawrence Lowlands (Québec, Canada)
Stephan Séjourné, René Lefebvre, Denis Lavoie, Xavier Malet (GeoMontréal 2013)
Hydrogeological assessment of western anticosti island related to shale oil exploration
Morgan Peel, René Lefebvre, Erwan Gloaguen, John Molson, Jean-Marc Lauzon (GeoMontréal 2013)
Caractérisation des conditions hydrogéologiques au-dessus du réservoir pétrolier d’Haldimand, Gaspé, Québec
Mélanie Raynauld, Heather Crow, Nathalie Fagnan, René Lefebvre, John W. Molson, Erwan Gloaguen, Nicolas Benoit (GeoMontréal 2013)
Spatial distribution of natural gas concentrations and isotopic signatures in shallow aquifers of the St. Lawrence Lowlands (Québec, Canada)
Diogo Barnetche, Daniele L. Pinti, Marie Larocque, Yves Gélinas, René Lefebvre, Jean-François Hélie, Anja Moritz, Châtelaine Beaudry, Sophie Retailleau (GeoMontréal 2013)
Using vertical head profiles to constrain the geostatistical representation of heterogeneity in a shallow granular aquifer
Patrick Brunet, Daniel Paradis, René Lefebvre, Erwan Gloaguen (GeoMontréal 2013)
Estimating recharge from observation well hydrographs combined with meteorological data
Jean-Sébastien Gosselin, Christine Rivard, Richard Martel, Claudio Paniconi, René Lefebvre (GeoMontréal 2013)
Modèles conceptuels géologiques et hydrogéologiques de la Montérégie Est, sud-ouest du Québec
René Lefebvre, Christine Rivard, Marc-André Carrier, Michel Parent, Nicolas Benoit, Marc Laurencelle, Châtelaine Beaudry (GeoMontréal 2013)
Hydrogeological characterization above two gas fields, Moncton sub-basin, southern New Brunswick
François Huchet, Christine Rivard, René Lefebvre (GeoOttawa 2017)
Assessment of groundwater resources to support wildlife in the W National Park, Niger
Habsatou Ango, Maximilien Delestre, Boureima Ousmane, René Lefebvre (GeoOttawa 2017)
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