
Author: Vasantha Wijeyakulasuriya

Investigation of a “loud bang” during caisson installation in a till deposit and/or shale bedrock with high concentrations of methane
Hafiz Ahmad, Glenn A. Wood, Vasantha Wijeyakulasuriya (GeoMontréal 2013)

A rock excavatability assessment for a basement excavation
James Dann, Vasantha Wijeyakulasuriya (GeoRegina 2014)

A Constitutive Model for Soft Clays
Vasantha Wijeyakulasuriya (GeoRegina 2014)

Construction of a Multi-Use Pathway on Soft Compressible Deposits– Case Study
Vasantha Wijeyakulasuriya, Ron Trewin, Ramon Miranda, Oliha Franklin (GeoSt. John's 2019)

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