
Author: Florent Barbecot

Dating groundwater resources in central Québec using noble gases, 14C and water chemistry
Genevieve Vautour, Guillaume Meyzonnat, Daniele Luigi Pinti, Florent Barbecot, Marie Larocque, Maria Clara Castro, Chris M. Hall, Jean-François Hélie (GeoMontréal 2013)

Combining 3H, 14C, and lumped parameter models to characterize modern groundwater residence time in a highly anthropized watershed
Paul Baudron, Florent Barbecot, Marina Gillon, Yves Travi, José Luis García Aróstegui, Francisco Gomariz Castillo, David Martinez-Vicente, Christian Leduc (GeoMontréal 2013)

Kinetic isotope fractionation in rich CO2 spring travertine – An experimental study
Léonora Fleurent, Elisabeth Gibert-Brunet, Florent Barbecot (GeoMontréal 2013)

Comparison of 222Rn - δ13C investigations to calibrate groundwater discharge in rivers
Karine Lefebvre, Florent Barbecot, Marie Larocque, Marina Gillon, Elisabeth Gibert-Brunet, François Hardy (GeoMontréal 2013)

A Portrait of Oil and Gas Wellbore Leakage in Northeastern British Columbia, Canada
Joshua Wisen, Romain Chesnaux, John Werring, Gilles Wendling, Paul Baudron, Florent Barbecot (GeoOttawa 2017)

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