
Author: Stephen Butt

Determination of the formation properties from Rotary Percussion Drilling data
Zijian Li, Igor Kyzym, Hongyuan Qiu, Stephen Butt (GeoSt. John's 2019)

Subsurface rock interface imaging with the application of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
Zijian Li, Yingjian Xiao, Rick Pigrim, Justin Royce, Stephen Butt (GeoSt. John's 2019)

Geomechanics Study of Ore and Host Rocks for Narrow Vein Mining
Yingjian Xiao, Stephen Butt (GeoSt. John's 2019)

Investigation of Drilling Performance in Core Bit Drilling using passive-Vibration Assisted Rotary Drilling (p-VARD) Technology
Md. Shaheen Shah, Yingjian Xiao, Stephen Butt (GeoSt. John's 2019)

Empirical Procedure Investigation for Sandstone Anisotropy Evaluation: Part I
Abdelsalam Abugharara, Stephen Butt, John Molgaard, Charles Hurich (GeoSt. John's 2019)

Empirical Procedure Investigation for Sandstone Anisotropy Evaluation: Part II
Abdelsalam Abugharara, Stephen Butt, John Molgaard, Charles Hurich (GeoSt. John's 2019)

Investigation of Hole Widening Drilling Using Cutting Analysis
Daiyan Ahmed, Yingjian Xiao, Jeronimo de Moura Jr., Stephen Butt (GeoSt. John's 2019)

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