
Author: R. Bashir

Effect of Ambient Temperature on the Calibration of Thermal Conductivity Suction Sensors
R. Bashir, J.J. Stone, D.G. Fredlund (GEO2011)

Characterization of unsaturated hydraulic properties for soils used in Low Impact Development
T. House, R. Bashir, J. Sharma, U. Khan (GeoOttawa 2017)

Hysteresis in Soil Water Characteristic Curve of Unsaturated Soil and its Influence on Slope Stability
T. Mavara, R. Bashir (GeoEdmonton 2018)

Effect of climate change on the stability of earthen embankments
S. Pk, R. Bashir, R.A. Beddoe (GeoEdmonton 2018)

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