Author: T.S. Nguyen
Two and three dimensional numerical analyses of excavation damaged zones around deep geological repositories in sedimentary rocksH. Abdi, E. Evgin, M. Fall, T.S. Nguyen, G. Su (GEO2010 Calgary)
Numerical Modelling of Coupled Heat Transfer and Groundwater Flow: Applications to Tailings Management Facility in Permafrost Environments in Northern Canada
E.E. Dagher, T.S. Nguyen, J.G. Su (GeoManitoba 2012)
Laboratory investigation and preliminary modelling of the mechanical behaviour of a transversely isotropic shale
H. Abdi, D. Labrie, T.S. Nguyen, J.D. Barnichon, G. Su, E. Evgin, R. Simon, M. Fall (GeoManitoba 2012)
Laboratory investigation and preliminary modelling of the mechanical behaviour of a transversely isotropic shale
H. Abdi, D. Labrie, T.S. Nguyen, J.D. Barnichon, G. Su, E. Evgin, R. Simon, M. Fall (GeoManitoba 2012)
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