
Author: Michael J. Simons

Challenges faced in design & construction of 12 m high geosynthetic reinforced soil slope repair in urban setting
Philip A. Perzia, Michael J. Simons (GEO2011)

A reinforced soil slope built using marginal fill soil and an innovative geocomposite reinforcement geogrid in Southern Ontario
Michael J. Simons, Norman Cameron (GeoManitoba 2012)

A reinforced soil slope built using marginal fill soil and an innovative geocomposite reinforcement geogrid in Southern Ontario
Michael J. Simons, Norman Cameron (GeoManitoba 2012)

Geosynthetic reinforced granular soil mattresses used as foundation support for mechanically stabilised earth walls
Pietro Rimoldi, Michael J. Simons (GeoMontréal 2013)

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