Author: P. Simms
Modelling of desiccation and stack geometry in aid of high density tailings depositionP. Simms, A. Dunmola, S. Mizani, B. Fisseha, J. Henriquez (GEO2010 Calgary)
Unsaturated flow in hydrating porous media: application to cemented paste backfill
M. Witteman, P. Simms (GEO2011)
Laboratory simulation of desiccation, settling, and consolidation in variably thick multilayer deposits of high-density tailings
P. Simms, F. Daliri, A. Manlagnit, Dunmola A. (GeoManitoba 2012)
Optimizing deposition of polymer-amended mature fine tailings
S. Soleimani, P. Simms, W. Wilson, A. Dunmola, G. Freeman (GeoMontréal 2013)
Prototype testing of a poroelastic suction sensor
P. Jayasinghe, P. Simms (GeoMontréal 2013)
Yield stress versus arresting stress for managing high density tailings deposition
S. Mizani, P. Simms (GeoRegina 2014)
Role of desiccation on tailings stability
P Simms (GeoVancouver 2016)
A coupled large strain consolidation-unsaturated flow model for tailings deposition analysis
P Simms (GeoVancouver 2016)
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